Friday Photo Walk
Depth of Field


Friday Photo walk – Depth of field challenge at Sizewell Beach

Friday 21st April 9.30am – 11.30am

Friday Walk and Talk Photography Challenges

Join me for a new series of photo walks each with a separate theme. The idea is to create a friendly community of photographers who meet once a month in a different location for a walk, a chat and a monthly challenge. The walks will take place on a Friday (usually the first Friday in the month) but there will also be some weekend walks as well.  You can come on as many or as few walks as you wish – there is no obligation to come every month.

Each walk will have a theme and the themes for the first 6 walks are set out below. The walks are not really tuition sessions – they will work in the following way:

I will set you a challenge and will provide some notes to help you with this challenge. You will receive these before the walk. During the walk I will be on hand to give advice and help with any questions you may have.

April’s walk is all about exploring depth of field at Sizewell Beach. We will be searching for compositions which we can photograph in two ways – with a wide open aperture and a shallow depth of field and a small aperture and a large depth of field. We will be seeing how creative we can get and what different images we can make by altering our apertures.

Out of stock


Friday Photo walk – Depth of field challenge at Sizewell Beach

Friday 21st April 9.30am – 11.30am

Friday Walk and Talk Photography Challenges

Join me for a new series of photo walks each with a separate theme. The idea is to create a friendly community of photographers who meet once a month in a different location for a walk, a chat and a monthly challenge. The walks will take place on a Friday (usually the first Friday in the month) but there will also be some weekend walks as well.  You can come on as many or as few walks as you wish – there is no obligation to come every month.

Each walk will have a theme and the themes for the first 6 walks are set out below. The walks are not really tuition sessions – they will work in the following way:

I will set you a challenge and will provide some notes to help you with this challenge. You will receive these before the walk. During the walk I will be on hand to give advice and help with any questions you may have.

April’s walk is all about exploring depth of field at Sizewell Beach. We will be searching for compositions which we can photograph in two ways – with a wide open aperture and a shallow depth of field and a small aperture and a large depth of field. We will be seeing how creative we can get and what different images we can make by altering our apertures.

Up and coming walks include:

Photographing Spring at Hollesley Marshes

Woodland Detail at Staverton Thicks

Bluebells at Captains Wood

Exploring Contrasts at Landguard Point

Capturing Colour at Felixstowe

Storytelling at Aldeburgh