Coffee & Cake Walk


Coffee and Cake Walk, Waldringfield – 8 places available.

Saturday 15th June 9am – 11am plus time afterwards for coffee and cake from our camper van

Join me for a summer photowalk along the banks of the River Deben at Waldringfield.

We will be exploring the beach in front of the pub and sailing club and following the river wall north beyond the boatyard. The walk will finish with Coffee and Cake from our camper van.

Photo walks are great opportunities to capture the essence of a location.  If you would like more information about this method of working when you are out walking with your camera then please download this inspiration sheet.

The walk will finish at 11am when there will be tea / coffee and cake (included in the price) served from our camper van.

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Coffee and Cake Walk, Waldringfield – 8 places available.

Saturday 15th June 9am – 11am plus time afterwards for coffee and cake from our camper van

Join me for a summer photowalk along the banks of the River Deben at Waldringfield.

We will be exploring the beach in front of the pub and sailing club and following the river wall north beyond the boatyard. The walk will finish with Coffee and Cake from our camper van.

Photo walks are great opportunities to capture the essence of a location.  If you would like more information about this method of working when you are out walking with your camera then please download this inspiration sheet.

The walk will finish at 11am when there will be tea / coffee and cake (included in the price) served from our camper van.